Basketball Tournament Round Two

Weeks are starting to just blend together...

This week we had Zone Conference and focused on the question, "What would it take to...?". And specifically filled in the question with "to baptize 1 person a month". That was the basis of the discussions and training. It went very well and helped us as a District and Zone realize where we need to improve on and what can we do to continually push the work forward. 

We had a repeat of our basketball tournament from last month this week. It was even more successful this time around with even more people who showed up to play. This time we invited members to do all the management (refereeing, score keeping, front desk/sign-up) so that we could play in the tournament and focus on just talking to all the non-members there. We got several new investigators from it and it was such a blast!

We met with all of our progressing investigators this week and they are doing very well. Mr. Liao told us that for the first time he actually asked a question in his prayer. He asked God if he should be baptized and he received an answer. He told us that God told him he isn't prepared yet, but he needs to prepare. He said he wants to be baptized on the 31st of this month. Amazing miracle. 

We didn't get to meet with Mr. Zheng this week, but he came to church and had a great time here. He asked me an amazing question after church ended. "How can I find the balance between having self-confidence but not being prideful?". It was a thought he had after our discussion in Priesthood Meeting. He's a very deep thinker and has really enjoyed learning about the church so far. He currently has a baptismal date so he'll see what happens!

Our South African family came to church again this week. They're doing well and slowly progressing each week! It's been amazing to see their progress. 

Elder Smith 施德臻長老   


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