
This week we had p-day on Wednesday because we have a chance to go to the temple this week! It made this week a little longer but all the days blend together to be honest haha.

I'll start off with the best news from the week! Bryan had his baptismal interview last night and passed! The change I've seen in him has been indescribable. This gospel really does change people. Being in this area for as long as I have now, I've been able to teach Bryan for his entire conversion process. It's an amazing experience to see the whole process of someone gaining their own testimony of Jesus Christ. He will be baptized on May 5th! One funny thing Bryan would always do is anytime we brought up baptism he would just say, "Uhm, maybe next question..." but now that he's actually decided to be baptized we say it as a joke all the time now haha. 

Earlier in the week we had a lesson with Ross, and Bryan helped us be the "member present" at the lesson. It really helped Ross because Bryan and Ross come from a similar background. After that lesson Ross decided he also wanted to be baptized and he came to church the next day. Later that night we also went to the birthday party of one of Bryan's friend and got a ton of potential new investigators from it!

The work for the Philipino part of the ward has really started to take off. My new companion Elder Rodriguez has been doing amazing and is a huge blessing to the work here. Haha I feel like I'm around people speaking Tagalog more than I'm around Chinese now!

The family of Shaun, Tina, and Rosie are started to fall off. They are having a difficult time understanding the concept of living prophets. But it's okay, we'll continue to work with them.

We met a super cool 18 year old this week named Fan 范. He came to church just a few days after we met him! It happened to be Stake Conference when he came too, so he had a great experience and already committed to come again next week!

Gao 高 set a baptismal date this week as well. He is a 20 year old leaving alone and working right now. This gospel could bless his life so much, I'm excited to see it happen!

Elder Smith 施德臻長老


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