"I'm flying a pig in for my baptism."

I'll start off with the title...this week our investigator Brother Ross got baptized! He was so excited for his baptism that he ordered a ROASTED PIG from the Philippines and had it flown in for his baptism haha. The service was amazing. It's so amazing to feel the Spirit change and grow in the ward since I've been here. 

Brother June this week also told US that he wants to be baptized! He had already picked out the date June 17th! This is an amazing miracle because his girlfriend is a member and has been bringing him to church for months. He has finally felt that the church is true and he wants these blessings for him and his future family!

Li Zhi Kui this week also set a baptismal date for June 23rd. He is currently working to receive his own witness and testimony of the Book of Mormon through reading and praying everyday!

Huang Xiao Ting continues to progress and is loving everything about this Gospel. Seeing her at church this week made my week. She was sooo happy. I could see a new light in her. It is amazing to see what this Gospel does to people.

Brother Marlito came to a Filipino FHE that we had last night and he got to meet a lot more members. He loved it and is starting to call himself a Mormon now haha.

Chen Pei Ru continues to progress slowly and right now is working on in individual prayers and feeling that she is a child of God.

We met several new people this week that were willing to meet with us and continue to learn more afterwards! Some of these new people include: Mrs. Tian (a women who is divorced and said she is looking for real truth and happiness, Zoe (P.E. teacher who came to our English class this week), Jennifer (also a student from English class), and Mr. Bo (a chiropractor who has made my back feel heavenly the past few weeks haha).

So many miracles are happening in 竹北 right now. I'm so blessed and privileged to be here to witness it.

Elder Smith 施德臻長老


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