Mother's Day 2018

Happy Mother's Day!!

Last Mother's Day I gave my farewell talk...and exaclty a year later I'm approaching my year mark on my mission. It is crazy how time flies.
We had a super fun ward activity his week for Mother's Day. All the men in the ward cooked dishes for all the women. They made it a competition between all the guys and had all the women vote for the best dish. We made a team with our recent convert, Bryan, and made a super good Filipino Pineapple Chicken dish...and we won first place! Super fun.

This week went quick but well. On Monday we saw an awesome miracle. We were having a mini-family home evening with our recent covert, Bryan, and a less active member. We were in a McDonalds and about to order some ice cream, when our members started talking to these 5 other people sitting next to us. About 5 minutes later we were all walking to our nearby church for a chapel tour! They all set back up to learn more about our church and meet with us again. It was such an amazing way to start off the week!

It has been interesting lately as there as been a push lately for more "online proselyting". This is essentially where we'll join local Facebook groups and then post about our free English Class or about free chapel tours. It has allowed us to have many more people introduced to our church than ever before. It's crazy to think that we can spend 2 hours outside talking to people (and end up talking to around 20 or so people), or we can take 5 minutes to make a post online and then have hundreds of people see the post and message us to learn more. 

New people we met and taught this include: the five people our members invited to the chapel tour, Mr. Yu, Monster, and Safe. (Yeah...they have weird names in Taiwan). 

Recently we have also been attending two sessions of church because a few of our investigator haven't be able to make it to our normal afternoon church meeting. As a result...I've been translated for the foreign members for BOTH sessions of church for the past few weeks. It's exhausting. But fun.

Church was super fun this week because all of our super awesome, close to baptism, investigators came. These included Fan Zhi Liang, Huang Xiao Ting, Jeff, Ross, Jopay, and Chen Pei Ru.

Elder Smith 施德臻長老


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