Elder Bryan

I'll start off by explaining the title. So our recent convert, Bryan, wanted to spend the night with us and see how it feels to be a missionary. So after dinner we traveled to the most northern part of our area on a 30 minutes train ride and took our bikes on the train. We rushed to a lesson while talking to a few people and ran into this guy from Brazil who was learning Chinese in Taiwan for a few months, cool guy. But after our lesson in 湖口 we rushed to 新豐 which is about a 30 minute bike ride away. We had a lesson there and then rode about another 20 minutes home. Bryan loved it so much and it was a fun experience to go proselyting with someone other than just my companion. Bryan loved it!

We had one of the most amazing lessons of my mission this week with Sister Huang. For confidentiality reasons I won't share specifics, but the Gospel is exactly what she needs right now in her life. She ended up breaking down in the middle of her saying her closing prayer and all she could get out was, "Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for bringing these people to my side. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen." Many years were shed that lesson.

We have a new investigator named June who is the boyfriend of a Filipino member here. He has been coming to church for several months off and on but never felt like he was really ready to meet with missionaries yet, but recently he's felt like it's time. We had an amazing lesson with him in which he shared a lot of his trials throughout his life. He also broke down in the closing prayer. Many tears were also shed in this lesson.

Ross passed his baptismal interview this past week and we'll be baptized this coming Saturday.

The Lord is blessing us a lot and the work is really picking up in 竹北.

Elder Smith 施德臻長老


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