First week in 景美!

The first week in 景美 (JingMei) was very fast but very exciting. Somehow every day seems to get filled up with many busy things and it seems like the time just flies. Being Zone Leader seems to bring many small tasks everyday that fill up your day really fast. It's super fun though because we get to go on exchanges with multiple missionaries, including the Assistants to the President. We also get to have our Missionary Leadership Conference (a council/meeting with all Zone Leaders, Sister Training Leaders, Assistant's to the President, and Mission President) coming up this week to talk about the state of the mission and help the new Mission president get used to the mission. I met the new Mission president this week and he is absolutely awesome. Is Chinese seems better than mine haha. I'm so excited to serve with him. I'm very excited to continue to meet all of my zone members and see what we can do to continue to improve the zone as a whole.

My new companion is Elder Ehinger, which is very exciting because I knew him previously on the mission. He is awesome and very energetic and I'm so pumped for these few transfers we will have together. He is going on his final two transfers after this transfer finishes and he is looking to finish his mission strong. It's extremely fun because in this Zone I also have three members of my MTC District (Elders Ellison, Spencer, and Sister Larson) so we get to spend a lot of time together.

We had a few lessons this week including Michelle, Nathan Steve, and Allred. There is some good potential in this area with a few progressing investigators but we are looking to increase are progressing investigator pool quickly and early in the transfer to get as many people baptized this transfer as possible. The most exciting part about being Zone Leader is that soon we'll be able to go on exchanges with the Assistants to the President. This is going to be fun because my trainer when I first came on the island, Elder Jorgensen, is one of the current Assistants to the President and I will be able to go on exchanges with him in a few weeks. I can't wait to serve with him again! 

Miracle the week is that at church we had a woman walk in who said she met with the missionaries about a year ago but then got very busy with work and wasn't able to come back for a while. But she said Sunday she had time and felt like she needed to return. We met her at church, she had an awesome experience, then she set up for later in the week and she's very interested in learning more. The Lord is definitely guiding this work.

It is weird coming back to the city and Taipei after being in ZhuBei for so long. There's so many more people here on the streets and the atmosphere is just much different. I am excited to learn a lot this transfer and come the best missionary possible for the Lord.

Elder Smith 施德臻長老


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