Luke Baptismal Interview, MuZha Exchanges!

This week Luke had his baptismal interview! He is super ready for baptism this upcoming Saturday and we are super pumped for him. His conversion story is super awesome. Before he didn't really know if God exists but he said through obeying the Commandments, especially prayer, he's come to know for himself that he is a Son of God. His whole countenance has changed and he's always smiling now, it's so miraculous to see.

I got to go on exchanges to MuXha 木柵 and I was with Elder Fie'eke. He is an Elder in his last transfer of training right now and he is one of the most fire missionaries I've ever met! I can't wait to see how the rest of his mission goes. It was fun to be with someone who was willing to run around everywhere and talk to as many people as possible. He really remotivated me to work as hard as I can and continue to set goals that push me to improve.

We've be focusing in our area lately on finding more people in our area. Do you have a lot of very busy areas within our boundaries, but a lot of them have people that don't live there. We have spent a lot more time knocking and hanging out in the neighborhoods, instead of the night markets and such. We're hoping this helps us find more families and people that live in the area.

Funny story from the week, we were sitting in a 7-Eleven doing our companionship study when very drunk guy walked into the store and sat next to us. He was way past the point of knowing what he was doing it at all. He started talking to us and fluent English and saying how he was possessed by the devil and that he was going to die soon. Then he started to say that we were not representatives of Christ he will kill us. He was saying this all while looking at the ground so it's very creepy. A few minutes later the cops came in took him to a hospital. It's sad to see people so destroyed by things like alcohol. Obey the commandments everyone! 

Elder Smith 施長老


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